Opt-In to Help Solve Crime

More than 30 million people have taken a direct-to-consumer DNA test from companies such as Ancestry, 23andMe, MyHeritage, and FamilyTreeDNA. Users can upload their DNA for free from these sites to GEDmatch and FamilyTreeDNA and then opt-in to help law enforcement solve crime and identify unidentified human remains. By opting-in to these databases, you are increasing the number of relative matches that are available to law enforcement for solving violent crimes and identifying human remains.

How to help solve crime:

  • Take a DNA test from one of the major DNA companies
  • Once your results are received, download your raw DNA file (review each company’s website for instructions)
  • Create a free account and upload your raw DNA file to GEDmatch and opt-in for law enforcement (review tutorial videos on their website once you create an account or there are numerous tutorials online)
  • Create a free account and upload your raw DNA file to FamilyTreeDNA and opt-in for law enforcement under Account Settings/Privacy & Sharing

It is important to mention that law enforcement does not gain access to anyone’s DNA file, only a list of relative matches.

Note: Solved by DNA is not in partnership and is not endorsed by any direct-to-consumer databases or GEDmatch